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Ulster County Human Services Transportation Plan

2024 Update

Read the draft UCTC HSTP document here!

Public Comment Period Now Open. UCTC will accept public comment on the Final Draft HSTP beginning August 28 through September 27, 2024.  Comments may be submitted directly to Brian Slack, Principal Transportation Planner.

What is the Human Services Transportation Plan?

(Also known as a Coordinated Plan)

A Plan to Help People

Ulster County is required to periodically develop/update their Human Services Transportation Plan. This means working and coordinating with community members, key stakeholders, and other partners to help us prioritize funding for improving transportation throughout the county. This plan helps our county identify transportation needs and develop solutions to improve transportation access and opportunities for seniors, youth, people with disabilities, people with lower incomes, limited English speakers, and anyone without access to a private vehicle. The passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) continued the requirement for agencies to develop coordinated plans to receive federal funding.

Interactive Map Hub


Brian Slack, Principal Transportation Planner

Ulster County Transportation Council

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